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So,who are OpenBlue?

Are you one of the many people who believe that things happen for a reason? Perhaps you believe in the law of attraction? Or just believe in chance. 

It doesn’t really matter which it is but one of those things is responsible for Martin and Vinay getting together and creating OpenBlue.

Both extremely passionate about people and helping them to achieve their true potential, they decided to go into business together after meeting on a course. The common factor is that have both lived life on thier terms. They have broken the mould set for them by family, society or limiting beliefs.

So what do they do?

The are experts in help people to understand what it is that do to produce their current results and in doing so open up the doors of possibility. Then they run interventions to help bring about the change needed to improve or change results.

Both are Master Practitioners and Certified Trainers in NLP, as well being skilled in a variety of people change techniques – but don’t let that scare you!

At their core they are just interested in help you be your best. Whether that be in your professional or personal life.

Why not get in touch and find out more? We won’t bite and we like to buy coffee!


1. Srinivasan Gopal - January 6, 2009


I would like to be in touch. If you are on twitter.com perhaps I can follow you. Here is the address http://twitter.com/srinivasangopal

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